Cameroon Army Chief Fights For Diplomatic Immunity From Arrest After Allegedly Raping His Daughter Multiple Times In France

Colonel Ndzeng Mbida Bienvenu

Source: Ghanaija

A Cameroonian army chief and diplomatic attaché, Colonel Ndzeng Mbida Bienvenu, who allegedly raped his 16 years old daughter multiple times in France is now fighting for diplomatic immunity from arrest and prosecution in Paris.

The Colonel was reportedly  accused by his daughter of raping her several times in France. The last alleged rape before she reported him to France’s law enforcement officers accordingly occurred on May 25, 2024.


French publication, Le Parisien first broke the news on Monday, June 10, 2024, revealing that when Colonel Mbida Bienvenu was approached by French investigators, he immediately brandished his diplomatic passport, apparently seeking diplomatic immunity from arrest and prosecution in France.


The suspected rapist father is in France on military orders, according to France Law Enforcement news and the Parisien newspaper. He is reportedly the assistant Cameroonian defense attaché to France.

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